The event takes place for BOTH professional AND up & coming Professional Celebrity Impersonators, Look A Likes, and Tribute Artists to gather to network, socialize and perform in order to enhance their offerings as an entertainer.
Talent Agents, buyers, fairs, festivals, 55+ Communities, tour companies, casinos, cruise lines, and Special Events planning companies attend each year and enjoy our events and entertainers. They are looking for quality entertainers to add their rosters of talent.
We do invite and welcome spectators, (i.e. the general public) to attend our showcases.
It is the premier event of the year for Celebrity Tribute Artists, Impersonators, Tribute Bands, Look A likes and Impressionists.
Why should I Attend Sunburst?
This is a CONVENTION for YOU!
ARTISTS/ You can get booked directly by the attending agents, producers and other talent buyers. More than likely, you will get more work from the other attendees. There are a lot of attendees at Sunburst who don't know who you are. Make sure they do!
AGENTS, TALENT BUYERS, 55+ Communities, Colleges and Universities: Boost your roster of talent and have them available to your clients. Plus, you will have a wonderful time while attending.
I am an entertainer, but not a Celebrity Impersonator nor a Look A Like. Can I still attend the convention?
Yes and no. You cannot showcase your talent, but you can attend the showcases as a spectator. Please understand that the talent agents attending are ONLY accepting business cards and promo from registered attendees. DJ's and other entertainers are welcomed, but this is a convention for Look A likes. Other entertainers are not to promote themselves. It would be the same if a Juggler showed up at a Magician's convention. However, you can register as a vendor and promote yourself to the attending buyers.
I live outside of the United States. Is it worth it for me to attend The Sunburst Conference?
Yes, and No. If you are looking to have a great time, become a better performer, learn things you didn't know before and meet lots of great people, then YES. By all means come. However, almost all of our talent buyers come from the US and rarely (not never, but rarely) book entertainers from outside of the US. So if you are coming from outside of the US with the sole purpose of getting bookings in the US, you may be disappointed. But if you are looking for a great time, marketing information and meeting great new friends, THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Just by attending, it puts a "feather" in your entertainment cap.
What is the purpose of The Sunburst Convention?
The purpose of this convention is three fold. One: To have fun with many others in this rather unique industry. Two: Network, network, network. Three: To participate in the industry convention.
For buyers: It's a GREAT place to meet the talent you want to book in person.
What is Tax Deductible?
Everything! Your registration, your plane fare, your hotel stay, money you spend while you are here.....everything! It's an investment in your career. You probably spend lots of money to mail out your promotional material and hope the agents will call you. Meet them in person and let them know who you are!
Do Entertainers REALLY get work from Sunburst?
YES, YES, YES! Almost all of the professional entertainers who attend Sunburst get more than enough work to pay for the cost of attending. (Attend this year's seminars to make sure you learn the tools for doing so.) Ask for references from those who have attended in the past. However, it is understandable that we cannot guarantee loads of work for every attendee. "You should not just showcase and leave." You HAVE to MEET the talent buyers, hang around & get to know them personally. Work the convention! Ask for THEIR business card. Drop a note later. FOLLOW UP. It's for the benefit of the entertainer AND the agents. EVERYONE will benefit by attending. New comers and pro's alike. There is always something new to learn and someone new to meet. Always. PLUS...it's all tax deductible.
I am just getting started in the business. Should I attend?
COME ON IN! You will learn a lot! Agents are looking for experienced talent as well, but we want to see what you do. Many Top Performers got their start at Sunburst. Many entertainers who have been in the business for years come back year after year.
Can I just come and pass out my business cards without registering?
No. Agents will ONLY accept cards or promo packs from those with credentials (i.e. Sunburst Name Badge). This is in reference to all of our events. Any impersonator/look a like attempting to attend without registering will be approached and asked to register on site.
Does the Producer of Sunburst or his private company get any commission from me when I am booked as a result of attending?
NO. This convention is for you. It's the same as anything else you do to promote yourself. The producer will even follow up with you after the convention to make sure you get the exposure you are paying for. But, he takes NO COMMISSION for any bookings you get from the convention. YOU get booked directly.
I've been getting enough work on my own. I know the business very well. Why should I attend?
If you would like more work and would like to get to know dozens of agents that you didn't know before, a convention is the best place to be. PLUS, it's more fun than you'll ever know. AND, there are new agents and talent buyers every year who don't know who you are. This is the perfect time to meet them in person. AND, you'll meet other talent.....who always refer other talent. Get known by those who don't know you! Even if you consider yourself the very BEST at your celebrity impersonation, there are lots of attendees at this convention who don't know who you are. Get to know them personally.
I'm not a "Professional" look a like. Should I attend?
Absolutely! Come and have fun! It's truly a BLAST! This year is better than ever for "novice" look a likes to attend! Come and be around others who get the same question you always...."Do you know who you look like?"
What exactly do my registration fees go toward?
This is one of the most fun and worthwhile times you will spend promoting your career. It REALLY is more fun than you can imagine.
Each Sunburst Attendee is expected to follow a business code of ethics. They will show respect for themselves and others attending the convention. If we find that any attendee and/or guest has intentions or alternative motives other than enhancing their career & enjoying themselves as an impersonator (or vendor), or hiring an impersonator for work, that attendee and/or guest will be asked to leave the event and will not be given a refund.
Press, TV Shows, Documentaries, Radio, Newspapers, Magazine Articles or any form of media (foreign or domestic) must register before any taping, filming, photography or recording. Please click on the PRESS button to register.
There will be a 20% administration fee after July 1, 2024 for refunds. No refunds will be issued after August 15, 2024. However, we understand last minute situations may arise. In that case, we will forward 50% of your registration for the following year. This offer is only valid for the following year.
It is understood that by registering for The Sunburst Convention, all attendees will conduct themselves and represent the Celebrity Tribute Industry in a good light. Anyone disrupting the enjoyment of any other attendee in anyway will be asked to leave without refund.
Rates and schedule are subject to change.
Anyone in costume must register as an entertainer. No exceptions.
-Anyone attempting to promote themselves without registering as an attendee will be asked to pay the full amount on the spot or be asked to leave.
-We do not allow costumed characters for (but not limited to) these genres: Cartoon , Sci-Fi, Comic Book, Horror, Obscure Movie/TV characters, or Gaming.
-It is understood that by registering for The Sunburst Convention, all attendees agree to this code of ethics and refund policy. It is also understood that by registering for The Sunburst Convention, all attendees agree to be filmed and/or photographed by approved media.
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